Dubya Has His Big Speechy Thing Tonight
Those of us hoping to see a favorite show on American Network T.V. tonight, are most likely going to be disappointed. Tonight the preznit delivers his State of The Union address. Oh, right its Tuesday, and that is American Idol night, so maybe the preznit's speech will be the most entertaining thing on T.V. tonight. So what is old Duyba gonna say tonight, well according to CNN the preznit hopes to get a bounce in the polls by coming off optimistic about the war in Iraq, and the American economy, and by promoting some new policies in regard to healthcare, alternative energy, and making the tax cuts he put in place permanent. http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/01/30/bush.sotu/index.html
So Bush is going down the compassionate conservative avenue again, with just a tinge of cowboy.
Buzzflash found a hilarious piece in SFGate, where they wrote the State of the Union address in Bushisms.. It is great check it out: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/01/29/INGT0GTK0O1.DTL
I would have liked to write something in regards to Canadian politics, but except for the Liberal leadership debate, their aint much going on right now, so when all else fails I bash the Bush.
It just so happens that the annual 'State of the Union address' happens on Groundhog day!
One involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to a creature of little intelligence for prognostications while the other involves a groundhog.
I get so tired of discussing the war in Iraq. When it comes to Iraq, Americans show that they are no more intelligent than the man they elected twice.
Meh. At least Canadians took action when they were disatisfied.
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