Forget About, Downloads, Here Is Why The Music Industry Is In The Toilet....
I did not watch the Grammys lastnight, disinterest and a Brian Mulroney expose tuned me out. When it was said and done, U2, Kelly Clarkson, Mariah Carey, and Kayne West were the big winners.
What is wrong with the music industry, lets start with who the industry deem worthy of reward. Okay so U2, wins 5 Grammys for yet another over hyped, piece of radio friendly shit, titled How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb....Bomb being the operative word. Um Kelly Clarkson, the Idol winner, who sings industry manufactured pop tunes.. nuff said. Mariah Carey The Emancipation Of Mimi, the new and improved Mariah Carey has nothing to do with music, she has been less reconstructed spiritually, but physically...Mimi looks great but the 'music' sounds the same. As for Kayne West, he is all right, but again he is more hype than substance. If the Grammys are a reflection of the health of the music industry, bring out the defibrillator, cuz it's on life support.
Need further proof that the music industry is in trouble; CNN is reporting that Barry Manilow, yes Barry Manilow has the Number One album in the US.
Its not so much that people have lost their love for music, its that the music industry, and the corporations that run the major music labels, have lost touch with what true music lovers want. Barry Manilow singing the hits of the fifties..... Please. Barry Manilow, what's next Stomping Tom sings the best of big hair rock of the 80's, Ozzy sings classic jazz tunes.....Ugh.
The title of U2's album is a reference to Bono's dad; he explain it last night. I didn't bother watching the Grammys because I never watch award shows, but I thought U2 deserved the awards they took.
That proves my point I guess, if U2 deserved those awards, the music industry really is in trouble....maybe I am just sick of looking at Bono, or maybe I just kinda gave up on mainstream music back in oh like 1993, or whenever it was that Kurt Kobain died.... shut off the radio... music aint dead but the industry is sick.
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