Friday, February 03, 2006

Cartoons, Freedom of Expression, and Promoting Hate

We love our freedoms here in the west, we display them to the world, and say see, see look how great our rights and liberties really are. Freedom of expression is something that an artist, or even a piss poor wanna be writer like myself feel very strongly about. That being said the cartoons that were originally published in a Danish newspaper, and which are now being republished throughout Europe, have less to do with freedom of expression, and are more an expression of hate and intolerance. There is no humour in them, they are an expression of the irrational fear that has gripped Europe, and well pretty much the whole of the western world for anything Muslim. Sure this cartoonist has a right to think or feel however the hell he wants, but I have a hard time when this same guy uses his medium to promote hate or fear. This is a mess similar to the publishing of books by that nutball from Moncton, who wrote that the holocaust never happened, or some of the whacky things that Pat Robertson, or even Bill O'Reilly might say.... Hate crime legislation exists here in Canada, but I am not sure if there is similar legislation exists in Europe, and I am not even sure if this would qualify as a hate crime. What I am sure is that the Danish newspaper, and its editors are the real asshats for even allowing these cartoons to make print.


Blogger Stab10 said...

You know what's funny about this story?

"There is no humour in them, they are an expression of the irrational fear that has gripped Europe, and well pretty much the whole of the western world for anything Muslim."

Muslims have the same fear of the Western World.

2/03/2006 8:44 p.m.  
Blogger Joseph said...

Ya can you imagine what the religous nutballs in the US would say or do if say al jauzerra (sorry sp) published a defamatory cartoon against jesus, or christianity.... pat robertson would scream for the arab world to be nuked, or at least pray for some kind of god delivered natural disaster..... freedom of expression, or speech are such sketchy issues, especially when fear, and intolerance are thrown into the mix. to michelle malkin and all here ass clown friends on the dark side of the blogosphere, i say shut the hell up, stay out of it, and quit posting these nasty comics for the sake of hits, and controversy.

2/03/2006 10:48 p.m.  
Blogger Yaverbaum said...

sorry, can you provide us with a link? i actually havent heard of these cartoons.. would like to know what you're talking about!

2/05/2006 6:49 p.m.  
Blogger Joseph said...

Um kel dude, turn on the news girl.... its gotta be all over it, embassies are being burnt, flags as well.. as far as actually seeing the cartoons, check out the nutball Michelle Malkin's site: enjoy, she is an enlightened read, scoof, cough, plpppph!!!

2/06/2006 2:07 p.m.  

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